Find Your Happiness
Shutting the Gate

Our little cabin is in the Colorado Rocky Mountains on 12 acres backing to tens of thousands of acres of National Forest. I love my cabin, my child, my dog and my formerly feral cat but now lap cat. And my bear, lion, coyote, moose and deer neighbors. Although some of them scare me sometimes.
It took me a long time to find it.

Not the property. I bought this property a long time ago. And it sat empty. For over a decade. I knew where my happiness was but disregarded that because I proceeded to do what society and everyone else, including myself, expected me to do.
Graduate school (because that’s what you do). Climbing the corporate ladder (because that is success). Long days. Endless useless meetings. Huge stress. Money (because that is status).
It wasn’t me and I wasn’t happy. I finally stopped.
I donated my heels and beautiful suits. Swapped the subdivision for the mountain peaks, woods, snow, breathtaking nature and lots of time with my little family. I do the things I love. My life is mine.
But I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how amazing it feels to shut the gate. It means that glamping guests have checked out or that whatever business needs to be handled is complete; and this beautiful space and the energy surrounding it is ours once again. It’s like a weight is lifted and I’m light and happy and free.
I felt the same way when I quit corporate.
Shutting the gate is moving on from something that no longer suits you or never did. Shutting the gate helps you understand where your heart is. The feelings you have when you think about shutting the gate are incredibly valuable and something you should acknowledge and spend time understanding.
I’ve shut the gate many times in my life. Shut the gate on relationships. Shut the gate on locations. Shut the gate on a lifestyle. Shut the gate on a career that was soul destroying.
Are you thinking about shutting a gate? My course helps you figure out if you should quit your job; brainstorm short term solutions to keep your income while implementing your next move; and finally finding a role that actually makes you happy while you’re earning a living. Learn more here.
Start thinking about your happiness and begin the journey to finding it. My biggest mistake is that I didn’t do it sooner.
Seize the moment. It’s all you have…